The Impact of Education Policy on Washington DC Politics: An Expert's Perspective

This article takes a look at how education policy has impacted politics in Washington DC through objective analysis and research.

The Impact of Education Policy on Washington DC Politics: An Expert's Perspective

The Policy Center's education policy initiative has been a driving force in introducing objective analysis into conversations about education in the District of Columbia. We understand that public schools can have a major influence on where families decide to live; how public schools mix students from different backgrounds can either create opportunities or exacerbate existing inequalities; schools can shape neighborhoods and vice versa, even in a unified school district with a high degree of choice; and that schools can alter the way employers view the local workforce. Taking into account the public school system from an urban policy perspective is essential as it encourages policy makers to consider what local laws and policies can do to bring about change. Throughout our work, we emphasize the inequalities in education and how they are linked to other areas, such as housing and workforce policies. Our mission is to provide new data and information to help improve the results of D.

C. While job training and post-secondary learning programs are common, D. is unique in that it has publicly funded schools where adult students can obtain a high school degree, acquire English language skills or enroll in employment programs. This report takes stock of adult students from D. adult charter schools, including Yesim Sayin, Emilia Calma, Chelsea Coffin, Julie Rubin, Chelsea Coffin, Chelsea Coffin, and Tanaz Meghjani.

Our D. Voices series elevates frontline perspectives, including those of government officials, professionals and community members. Now, in years 5 and 6 of their work, the current two-year research agenda of the Education Policy Initiative examines how D. C.'s education policies have impacted politics. We invite you to join us in exploring this topic further through virtual and in-person events with EPI experts.

Our experts are often interviewed by the press and our research is frequently highlighted in the media. These staff members are at the core of the Education Policy Initiative. Our research is guided by a group of educational researchers with extensive knowledge of D. C., including Nora Gordon from the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University, Arthur McKee from CityBridge Education, and Jon Valant-Brown from the Center for Education Policy at the Brookings Institute.

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